Monday, June 26, 2006

How to Change Windows XP Home to Windows XP Pro

From Gizmodo...

"We can’t vouch for this hack, because we are too lazy to try it (and we never, ever violate copyrights or EULAs), but kind reader Martin explains the process for turning an Windows XP Home install disc to a Windows XP Pro disc after the jump.

It sounds pretty simple to do (just some registry changes), but you can’t install Service Pack 2, so you might try to slipstream in the changes to your modified install disc (if that’s even possible).

Alternately, buy XP Pro, or get a Mac."

Friday, June 23, 2006

Nifty Applescripts

This guy has a nice small collection of Applescripts he wrote.

More Photoshop Tutorials

Some more Photoshop tutorials:
Retouching an image
Special FX backgrouns (quick)
Index of Photoshop tutorials
Creating Reflections in Photoshop

How to make a planet in Photoshop

Here's a tutorial on how to make a photo-realistic planet from scratch in Photoshop